N e w D r o p - I n C L A S S E S s t a r t i n g i n J A N U A R Y ! !

c l a s s i n f o Here are the classes we will be offering during our winter series:
Intro to Agility - for all age dogs and handlers, no high impact activities for young dogs
Agility II - obstacle performance, short sequences
Agility III - obstacle proficiency, intermediate sequences
Advanced Agility - competition level sequences
Puppy Manners + Socialization - basic life skills, polite behavior, starting level obedience skills
Beginner Obedience - recall, loose leash walking, polite greeting, sit, down, stay, place, and more
Advanced Obedience - continuation of beg. class, competition skill work for Rally and Obedience
class list subject to change.
see below for more details
d e t a i l s Due to unpredictable weather over the winter, dog training at the Meadow Ranch will be switching to weekly drop-in classes instead of our typical 6 week sessions. We will try to keep drop-in classes as consistent as possible, but class days and times are subject to vary each week. Fee will be $25 per dog/handler team for each class attended, and must be paid before class begins (if sending Zelle payment to themeadowranch@gmail.com payment must be made before your arrival to class, cash or check accepted at class). ALL classes will be held outdoors. c l a s s u p d a t e s All communication for drop-ins will be through the Meadow Ranch Facebook and Instagram page. New weekly drop-in days + times will be posted there (typically on Sundays). **Please check for changes or cancellations before driving to class**
l e t u s k n o w y o u ' r e c o m i n g ! SPOTS ARE LIMITED. If you know in advance you'll be attending a drop-in class, please text 630.639.9336 or email themeadowranch@gmail.com with your name, dog's name, and the class you'd like to come to. For those who need to decide last minute, you're still welcome to come as long as there is space in the class! And if you reserve a spot for class and your plans change so you can no longer make it, please let me know so I can open the spot for another student.
Private lessons are also available. We offer private lessons for the following:
> Puppy - - - (basic manners + life skills)
> Obedience - - - (basic skills/behaviors thru competition level)
> Agility - - - (recreational thru competitive)
> HERDING - - - (recreational/beginner level, referrals available for higher levels)
the rate for private lessons is $45/half hour + $75/hour at the Meadow Ranch facility. These are booked on a first come first served basis with limited availability each week.
PLEASE DO NOT ALLOW DOGS TO POTTY IN THE RING, OR ON EQUIPMENT ($5 fee for accidents in the ring)!
Our outdoor ring is available for rent to approved students at a rate of $10/half hour + $15/hour. This includes one handler and up to 2 dogs. More dogs are welcome for an additional $5/dog per half hour. Shared ring rentals are welcome for an additional $10 per handler/2 dog team per half hour.
To book, text or email us at 630.639.9336 or themeadowranch@gmail.com.
-Dogs should only use equipment they have been trained to perform.
-No puppies on contact obstacles or taking jumps.
-You may move obstacles/numbers, but PLEASE RETURN TO THEIR ORIGINAL LOCATIONS when you are finished with your rental. ($5 fee for obstacles out of place after rentals)
-Notify us if anything is damaged during your rental.
-Put rental payments in pink postbox near the front gate of the ring or send via Zelle to themeadowranch@gmail.com.
-PLEASE DO NOT FEED CATS! *close your car/watch your bags, they will sneak into anything*
-PLEASE DO NOT ALLOW DOGS TO POTTY IN THE RING, OR ON EQUIPMENT ($5 fee for accidents in the ring)!
F I E L D + S H E E P R E N T A L S
Our sheep + training pen/open field are available to rent at a rate of $15/half hour + $25/hour. This includes one handler and up to 2 dogs. More dogs are welcome for an additional $5/dog per half hour.
To book, text or email us at 630.639.9336 or themeadowranch@gmail.com.
-Livestock Safety is the top priority! (Injured/killed livestock are valued at $350 per sheep/goat, this is the responsibility of the renter)
-Trained dogs/handlers only on stock, please. (lessons available for inexperienced teams)
-Notify us if fencing or anything else is damaged during your rental.
-Renter understands and assumes risk of activities involving livestock.
-Horses, chickens, and cats are not included in rental, please do not allow dogs to chase them.
-Put rental payments in pink postbox near the front gate of the training ring.
-PLEASE DO NOT FEED CATS! *close your car/watch your bags, they will sneak into anything*